Règle, Fiche pédagogique... 2 Fichiers Disponibles2 Fichiers Disponibles

Téléchargez la règle pour À la Recherche de la Planète X ou toute autre documents (scénarios, goodies, fiche pédagogique, erratum, ...). 2 fichiers au format PDF sont disponibles.

The Search for Planet X Rulebook

pdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/1c/fb/79-the-search-for-planet-x-rulebook.pdf

Earn renown by locating Planet X and by submitting correct theories about the locations of other objects in the solar system. The player who contributes the most to this astronomical investigation will score the most points and win the game!

2,56 Mo - En Anglais

The Search for Planet X Solo Rulebook

pdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/b3/12/88-the-search-for-planet-x-solo-rulebook.pdf

When you are the active player (i.e., when your player pawn is the farthest back on the time track), you take your turn as normal: take one action, advance your player pawn, and rotate the earth board. When the bot is the active player, you will use the app to see the bot’s turn.

588,52 Ko - En Anglais