Toutes les règles de jeu

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340 / 399 - 4 779 résultats

Tales of Arabian Nights Règle


Dans Tales of the Arabian Nights (les Contes des Mille et Une Nuits), vous êtes le héros ou l’héroïne d’aventures fantastiques, semblables à celles contées par Shéhérazade pour envoûter son sultan. Vous voyagerez à travers de nombreuses contrées en quête de fortune et d’une destinée. Les nombreux récits qui vous seront contés forgeront votre sagesse afin que vous puissiez la partager avec autrui.

10,50 Mo - En Français 3,00 Mo - En Anglais

Tales of Evil Rulebook


I am convinced that, as far as possible, the gaming experience should be lived more than studied. Therefore, what you have in your hands is not a rule book, but a brief reference guide that will support you should you need it. I suggest you read this short text to familiarize yourself with the components and understand some game mechanics. Do not peek for any reason at the Story book and cards; wait...

6,00 Mo - En Anglais

Talisman: 4éme Édition Révisée Règle


Talisman® n’est pas un jeu comme les autres, c’est un jeu d’aventures périlleuses dans un monde fantastique magique peuplé de monstres. Les joueurs participent à une histoire, une histoire rythmée par des actions héroïques, des rencontres dangereuses, des combats perdus ou gagnés, des trésors et de la magie. Ce récit est toujours un véritable défi passionnant pour les joueurs !

6,51 Mo - En Français 1,69 Mo - En Anglais

Talisman: Récits Légendaires Règle


Il y a des siècles, des forgerons légendaires confectionnèrent la Couronne du Pouvoir, un artefact magique d’une puissance inimaginable. Quiconque portera la Couronne du Pouvoir tiendra le monde sous son emprise. Quelques décennies auparavant, un puissant sorcier scella la Couronne du Pouvoir derrière le Portail du Pouvoir pour empêcher les forces du mal de la prendre.

5,19 Mo - En Français 7,09 Mo - En Anglais

Talisman: Revised 4th Edition - The Cataclysm Rulebook


It has been a generation since the earth cracked open and the sky fell. The seas rose up to swallow the land, and the land crumbled down to cover the seas. It was the end of the world, yet the world did not end.

1 021,68 Ko - En Anglais

Talisman: Revised 4th Edition - The Dragon Rulebook


Hundreds of years ago, a mighty wizard dared to assail the Dragon Tower in the Firelands. Once there, he used powerful spells to banish the Dragon King into a horrible black void and then drove the remaining Draconic Lords into hiding far away.

2,66 Mo - En Anglais

Talisman: Revised 4th Edition - The Harbinger Rulebook


The Harbinger is the bearer of an ancient prophecy who has arrived to foretell the end of the world. At the start of the game, place the Harbinger figure on the Harbinger sheet. After a character (not in the Inner Region) draws an Event, move the Harbinger to that character’s space.

1,29 Mo - En Anglais

Talisman: Revised 4th Edition - The Nether Realm Rulebook


Battle, magic, glory, and death! Welcome to the magical realm of Talisman. The Nether Realm expansion for Talisman: The Magical Quest Game features a new deck of Adventure cards to explore called the Nether Deck as well as three new alternative endings. This rulesheet explains how to use the new components provided by The Nether Realm to enhance your Talisman experience.

253,41 Ko - En Anglais

Talisman: The Blood Moon Rulebook


The Blood Moon expansion for Talisman: The Magical Quest Game features new character, Adventure, and Spell Cards. These cards work like those in the base game and should be shuffled into their respective decks.

1,18 Mo - En Anglais

Talisman: The City Rulebook


Long ago, a powerful wizard reigned over the land, ruling with the power of a magical crown that he forged in the Valley of Fire. While this wizard held power, all creatures knew that they lived or died at the whim of their ruler, and there was nothing that could be done to alter that truth. In time however, the wizard sensed that his own demise was imminent. Seeing no worthy successor, he chose to...

2,41 Mo - En Anglais

Talisman: The Dungeon Rulebook


Eons ago, a crafty wizard dared to pit his arcane arts against the infernal powers of the Lord of Darkness. The battle raged for days until finally, to the demon overlord’s outrage and horror, the wizard trapped him within his own dungeon and stole his diabolical powers. Using the power he had taken from the Lord of Darkness, the wizard enslaved mysterious spirits and compelled them to forge a magical...

3,80 Mo - En Anglais

Talisman: The Firelands Rulebook


Danger, battle, glory, and wealth! Welcome to the magical realm of Talisman. The Firelands expansion for Talisman: The Magical Quest Game features new characters to quest with, Adventure cards to explore, and Spells to command. This rulesheet explains how to use the new components provided by The Firelands to enhance your Talisman experience.

515,51 Ko - En Anglais

340 / 399 - 4 779 résultats