Mythic Mischief
Mythic Mischief

1 - 4 JoueursMeilleur à 2 joueurs

60 MinutesDurée d'une partie

Age: 14+Age minimum

AmateurType de public


(Bon - généralement prêt à y jouer.)


Règle, Fiche pédagogique... un Fichier DisponibleUn Fichier Disponible

Mythic Mischief Rulebook


Within the hallowed halls of Mythic Manor is a repository of Tomes. While not off limits per se, these Tomes have been deemed either too valuable or too dangerous to be handled without supervision from a teacher. Recently students have been circumnavigating such restrictions, so a new teacher has been put in charge of the Tomes. The students not-so-lovingly refer to this teacher as the Tomekeeper.

41,68 Mo - En Anglais