Hannibal & Hamilcar financé sur la plateforme Kickstarter

Kickstarter https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/phalanxgames/hannibal-and-hamilcar

Anglais - Hannibal & Hamilcar a été financé sur la plateforme de Crowdfunding Kickstarter (Voir la campagne) le 13 mai 2017, la campagne a duré 23 jours. 3 514 personnes ont aidé au financement du jeu, dont le montant demandé était de 20 000,00 £GB. Grâce à ces 3 514 personnes le jeu a pu être financé à hauteur de 263 443,00 £GB, soit ~1 317,22 %.

Hannibal & Hamilcar: Price of Failure on Boardgamegeek

Boardgamegeek https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgameexpansion/227970/hannibal-hamilcar-price-failure

Anglais - Claudius Pulcher, a Roman consul who, after ignoring a bad omen, was responsible for the defeat at the Battle of Drepana (249 BC), in which 93 ships with their crews were lost. When the sacred chickens refused to eat, Claudius threw them into the sea, saying "Since they do not wish to eat, let them drink!" He didn’t listen to the Gods, and was punished by them seriously.