Risk: Transformers - The Decepticon Invasion of Earth
Réactualisé par : Risk: Legacy
Risk: Transformers - The Decepticon Invasion of Earth

2 - 4 JoueursMeilleur à 5 joueurs

120 MinutesDurée d'une partie

Age: 10+Age minimum

AmateurType de public

  • Auteurs : ~
  • Illustrateurs : ~
  • Éditeurs : Hasbro

(Bon - généralement prêt à y jouer.)


Risk: Transformers - The Decepticon Invasion of Earth on Boardgamegeek

Boardgamegeek https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/170408/risk-transformers-decepticon-invasion-earth

Anglais - The game starts with an inhabited human world with the Autobots in the center of the game board. The Decepticons invade from the four corners of the world, and as the game progresses they can take human slaves to repair and rebuild damaged units! Humans and Autobots always work together, but Decepticons can choose to ally with one another or fight amongst themselves. The survival of all depends on...