Lost Empires: War for the New Sun financé sur la plateforme Kickstarter

Kickstarter https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/kolossalgames/lost-empires-0

Anglais - Lost Empires: War for the New Sun a été financé sur la plateforme de Crowdfunding Kickstarter (Voir la campagne) le 20 oct. 2021, la campagne a duré 22 jours. 684 personnes ont aidé au financement du jeu, dont le montant demandé était de 14 000,00 $US. Grâce à ces 684 personnes le jeu a pu être financé à hauteur de 37 327,00 $US, soit ~266,62 %.

Lost Empires: War for the New Sun on Boardgamegeek

Boardgamegeek https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/322050/lost-empires-war-new-sun

Anglais - On this distant planet, four factions battle for control of alien artifacts left behind by an advanced and ancient civilization. The warring factions are Terra Corps, Scion Imperium, Neo Human Republic, and Feng. With Earth in near ruins, 581 provides the chance for a second Earth, but who will rule? Who will be the first to build a Wormgate and transport their armies through it to conquer the dust...