Les Loups-Garous de Thiercelieux: Jouer en Ligne

Officiel https://www.loups-garous-en-ligne.com/

Français - 562 personnes en ligne sur 947 988 inscrits -- 6 998 connectés depuis 24 heures -- 4 686 841 parties ont déjà eu lieu

The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow on Boardgamegeek

Boardgamegeek https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/25821/werewolves-millers-hollow

Anglais - Werewolves of Miller's Hollow is a game that takes place in a small village which is haunted by werewolves. Each player is secretly assigned a role - Werewolf, Ordinary Townsfolk, or special character such as The Sheriff, The Hunter, the Witch, the Little Girl, The Fortune Teller and so on... There is also a Moderator player who controls the flow of the game. The game alternates between night and...